Monday, March 16, 2009


So I banished him to Siberia.

Well, not exactly. Today, my dear C took off for the Arctic.

Yes, the Arctic. Really, who gets to say that?

He's off on an Arctic research cruise, which involves three flights, and then a helicopter to a ship just shy of somewhere in the Bering Sea.

Yes, he will actually be able to see Russia from his house.

As for me, this marks the first time Baby and I will be going it alone for a whole 10 days.

Nervous, you ask? Whatever should I be nervous about? How bad could handling an active 18 month old be?

Exactly. I appreciate you not answering that.

So we begin day one. I'll be keeping the wine bottle count here, so be sure to tune in frequently to see how I'm "handling" things.

Current wine count: One glass. (OK, a really big glass. Work with me here.)

1 comment:

Joe said...

That's impressive. Our little guy is not even up to one glass of wine yet.
Does he use the sippy cup?