Monday, August 18, 2008

Seriously... ?

The trampoline is an Olympic sport? The trampoline?

I've probably seen nearly a dozen sets of Olympics in my lifetime. How can I not know this?

And which camera guys draw the short straw to get this event? "Oh, sorry, Bob, we're all full up over at swimming and track. Let's see ... oh, have we got an assignment for you! It'll pull a real, ha ha, bounce in your step..."

My particular good thoughts go out to the low angle camera guy, who spends his entire night earning himself a one-way ticket to Whiplash Street.

Must. Stop. Watching. Camera. Motions. Making. Me. Nauseous. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.

There must be some synchronized diving on somewhere?

1 comment:

Erin said...

ok, don't blame me -- your friends made me! That's right, alongstory and bzh tagged me and I need to tag someone. So you're it.

Go to my site: and you'll see! miss you.